Milk production crosses 25 Lakh MTs in Jammu and Kashmir

Closeup of a bottle full of milk sitting on a fence post with a Holstein Cow grazing behind and a corn field in the background

New Delhi, August 23, 2021: Milk production in Jammu and Kashmir has reached 2503 MTs while annual milk production in 2018-19 was 2460 MTs.

A senior Animal Husbandry official said the J&K government with the help of farmers and dairy units was successful in producing 70 lakh litres of milk per day. He said Kashmir alone produces 40 lakh litres while Jammu produces 30 lakh litres.

While as per the official document, the Animal Husbandry department has introduced various schemes to give boost to the dairy production in the Union Territory.

“In view of the economic importance of dairy sector, UT administration as well as the central government has given due consideration to the sector as a focus sector for doubling farmer’s income, attracting investment and creating avenues for employment generation,” reads an official document.

It states that the government of J&K launched four major beneficiary oriented flagship schemes under UT CAPEX to bridge the gap between demand and supply of livestock products and building entrepreneurship in the sector thereby supplementing and complementing other centrally sponsored/UT sector schemes for inclusive development of livestock sector.

“Integrated Dairy Development Scheme (IDDS) 2020-21. The scheme has been launched under UT Capex during 2020-21 with B.E of Rs 1830 lakh.” According to reports published in

“The scheme aims to provide 50% subsidy with fixed ceilings for establishment of dairy units, establishment of Milk collection/chilling/processing unit, establishment of market infrastructure including milk ATMs, establishment of milk transportation system etc. Under the scheme 1105 dairy units have been established in the UT with induction of 5525 high yielding cows/buffaloes creating direct employment for 1105 people.”

“Around 1200 beneficiaries in toto have been given full time employment under this scheme. Besides, through implementation of other central/UT schemes, self-sufficiency in milk production was targeted with an annual growth of 5% from 3% through promotion of milk cooperatives, incentivizing value addition of milk to bring more milk into the organized sector,” it reads.

“In order to increase milk production/productivity in cattle and buffaloes, breeding infrastructure/services have been strengthened by increasing Artificial Insemination coverage from existing 29% to 70% through implementation of CSS- RashtriyaGokul Mission in the UT targeting 100% coverage of breedable bovines under Flagship Scheme Nationwide AI Program Phase II with free of cost Artificial Insemination service at farmers doorstep.”

The measures to boost milk production increase Rs 14 crore released under Central Sector Scheme National Program on Dairy Development to Jammu Kashmir Milk Producers Cooperative Limited for upgrading milk holding capacity of milk cooperative sector from 1.05 LPD to 2.5 LPD. 50 to 75% subsidy accorded on insurance premium for 46000 dairy animals under CSS National Livestock Mission.