Swachhta Pakhwada successfully celebrated across the country by Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare


    New Delhi, June 10, 2017: The Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare observed Swachhta Pakhwada from 16th to 31st May, 2017. Going out from the confines of the office premises Swachhta drive and awareness programme regarding cleanliness was carried out in Agricultural Mandis, Fish Markets and villages near Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs). The message of Swachhta campaign was widely spread through Media. During the Swachhta Pakhwada certain dynamic measures were focused which are to be continued beyond Pakhwada to have optimum results.

    • Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare has observed the Pakhwada with an effort to reach amongst the farmers to sensitize them for cleanliness. Under the Swachh Bharat Mission, a Waste Decomposer technique has been developed by National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF) to keep villages clean and for saving farmers income by which animal dung and village bio-waste can be converted into good quality organic manure with very low cost. During the Pakhwada, demonstration of this technique was organized by NCOF in 142 villages/ Agricultural Mandis. This technique was also advertised in 80 newspapers in different languages to spread awareness across the country. It was also decided to provide Rs. 36 crore funds to states under RKVY and Rs. 12.5 crore to 250 e-NAM APMCs for installation of Compost Waste management plants during 2017-18.

    Besides this, various offices under this Department undertook work beyond the bare minimum housekeeping activities. A Swachhta Edition of “Deewar” magazine was published by Directorate of Extension comprising Swachhta articles, columns, slogans, poems etc. During the Pakhwada cleanliness sensitization drives were also undertaken in nearby villages/ area by Centers of Soil & Land Use Survey of India (SLUSI), CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM), MANAGE (subordinate/ autonomous offices under DAC&FW), and the participation of local public representatives/ Ministers in the Swachhta Campaigns was also ensured. Further, awareness programmes were also organized amongst the farmers regarding safe use of chemical pesticides and the disposal of insecticides containers after use.

    • Swachhta Pakhwada was observed in Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DADF) Headquarter as well as in attached subordinate and autonomous offices/Institutes of the Department. During the Pakhwada, cleanliness campaign was initiated in 20 fish markets of 11 states and 23 awareness programs including a cleanliness march and three state level workshops on hygienic handling of fish were organised. The participation of local public representatives/ Ministers as well as government officers and general public in the Swachhta Campaigns was also ensured. Apart from regular cleaning activities, Awareness campaign in Government Senior Secondary School, Mirzapur and Mirzapur village of Hisar was organized by Regional Fodder Station, Hisar. Similarly, Special cleanliness drive carried out at Hospital premises of Sisana, Pillukhera by Staff of Central Herd Registration Scheme, Rohtak. The Breed improvement institutes under this Department have undertaken activities like awareness session for staff/ workers engaged in various activities of farm, official, agricultural & livestock management. Apart from this, the officers of subordinate institutions of Livestock Health Division educated their subordinate staff about biological disposal system and clean energy use.

    Under the Swachhta Action Plan (SAP) for 2017-18 of the Department, Rs. 5.32 crore has been allocated for taking up of substantive Swachhta related activities i.e. establishment of Vermi-compost units, setting up of Biogas Plants, Conducting stale level workshops on waste recycling, setting up of slurry/ wash water tanks etc.

    • During the Swachhta Pakhwada, The Department of Agricultural Research & Education/ ICAR Head Quarters in New Delhi, all the 102 Research Institutes and 671 KVKs took active part in the Pakhwada activities and conducted a wide range of cleanliness activities. Workshops, seminars, awareness camps, rallies, street plays and debates (i.e. “स्वच्छ भारत- क्या स्वस्थ भारत?”, “स्वच्छता का महत्व”) were organised by ICAR Institutes. Awareness and sensitization programmes were also organised in the adopted villages through ICAR Institutes and 671 KVKs. Swachhta based activities were undertaken in more than over 5200 villages by various ICAR Institutes and KVKs with the active participation of farmers and village youth. As part of these activities, clean farming technologies and package of practices as well as 130 nos. technologies to convert agricultural waste to wealth were also promoted, which include; preparation of bio-compost, vermicomposting, whey utilization, straw enrichment, wastewater recycling, cotton waste and fisheries waste management among others were promoted through various field and farm activities undertaken during the Pakhwada.

    Senior Officers from the Institutes, public figures, local leaders and dignitaries participated in the events organised by various institutes & KVKs during the Swachhta Pakhwada. Based on the performance of the Institutions, awards (first, second and third) shall be given to the outstanding performers in the competitions announced for the three categories i.e., the offices in ICAR Head Quarters, ICAR Research Institutes and KVKs on the foundation day of the ICAR on 16th July, 2017 along with other ICAR Awards.