A first Step towards Atmanirbharata: GCMMF launches Janmay range of Edible...
New Delhi, July 10, 2020: Cooking oil is one of the major food ingredients being consumed in every household and food industry. Our country is...
Dairy demand jumped after people started eating from home during lockdown,...
New Delhi, June 19, 2020: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), which markets products under the brand Amul, on Wednesday said people eating at home...
Milk turns sour as sales tank in season of glut
New Delhi, June 16, 2020: Households consumed more milk, cheese and yogurt during the lockdown, raising sales by up to25% in large dairies, such as...
Sodhi thanks FM for dairy infrastructure fund
New Delhi, May 18, 2020: R S Sodhi, Managing Director GCMMF was all praise for the Finance Minister saying she has made an important announcement...
Sales of dairy products soar as people work & eat from...
Pune, May 07, 2020: As the lockdown gives people a chance to rustle up dishes just like chefs do, the broadening culinary engagement is pushing...