Launch of Audio Book in remembrance of Dr. Verghese Kurien – The Milk Man of India


    New Delhi, September 09, 2020: The audio book titled “The Man Who Made The Elephant Dance” based on the biography of Dr. Verghese Kurien “I Too Had A Dream” was launched on website on 9th Sept, 2020 – the 8th death anniversary of Dr. Verghese Kurien.

    A webinar was organized on the occasion, which was attended by eminent personalities of dairy industry and associates and around 1000 participants who have been directly or indirectly been associated with Dr. Kurien and his institutions. The Chief Guest of the event was Ms. Nirmala Kurien, the daughter of Dr. Verghese Kurien. Guest of Honour was Shri Dilip Rath, Chairman, National Dairy Development Board; special invitee was Shri Shashi Sinha, CEO, IPG Mediabrands, India and Shri Rahul Dacunha, MD, daCunha Associates, Mumbai.

    Special Guests Dr. Bruce Scholten, Hon. Professor, Durham University (UK) and Shri Siddharth, grandson of Dr. Verghese Kurien, both of whom have contributed their experiences in the audio book as well and Sh. Atul Bhide, who has conceptualized and produced the Audio Book.  The webinar was presided over by Dr. R.S. Sodhi, MD, GCMMF (AMUL) and Sh. K.M. Jhala, Chief Operating Officer, GCMMF (AMUL).

    Ms. Nirmala Kurien unveiled the audio book on the website and shared her childhood memories with her father of how he always believed in equal opportunity for all and excellence in any work that you do. The participants shared their memories and experiences that they had while working with Dr. Kurien. Sh. Atul Bhide recounted his experience of knowing Dr. Kurien while making of this audio book and how enlightening it was for him. Dr. Sodhi, MD, GCMMF (AMUL) being from the first batch of Rural Management Graduates from IRMA, recalled how Dr. Kurien was like a father figure for the students of IRMA and how Dr. Kurien instilled the value of integrity, honesty, punctuality and excellence in one’s field of work in all institutions that he built. Dr. Kurien always worked for the economic development of the farmers.

    Sh. Dilip Rath, Chairman, NDDB emphasized how Dr. Kurien always kept the benefit of farmers on the forefront and worked on the implementation of Operation Flood as a farmer representative and not as a Government employee. The stalwarts of advertising industry, Shri Shashi Sinha and Shri Rahul Dacunha, expressed their awe for the advertising acumen of Dr. Kurien and how he gave freedom of work to the creative team that was behind brand AMUL.

    Dr Verghese Kurien transformed India from a milk deficit country to the largest milk producing nation in the world. Born in 1921 in Calicut, Kerela, he dedicated himself to improving the lives of millions of his countrymen, empowering women, and made India’s milk industry the largest rural employer of the country. Dr Kurien had passed away on the 9th September 2012.

    Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)