From the India Today archives (1976) | Verghese Kurien: Towards pastures new


    New Delhi, September 25, 2024: Doubting Thomases have been proved wrong. Dark prophesies have been belied. Dr Verghese Kurien’s ambitious dream of a white revolution has come true. Known as Operation Flood, the National Dairy Development Board now has 18 dairies, in various stages of construction, being built in 10 states. It involves organizing two million farming families, to feed four metropolitan cities with a total population of over 25 million. The consumption in these cities, before the commissioning of Operation Flood, was around one million litres a day. The project aims at trebling the supply.

    By giving impetus to the milk cooperative movement, Dr Kurien has revolutionized the lives of more than two million farmers. When Operation Flood is completed nearly 4.5 million peasants would be leading a better life. For them Kurien’s name will be synonymous with prosperity and organization. In the Kaira district of Gujarat, where the beginning was made some 15 years ago, in 1,000 villages there are 800 societies with a membership of over 230,000. Each society receives milk from 350 families. In fact, it has become the aim of every woman in that district to own a buffalo and supplement the family income. Such has been the impact of Dr Kurien’s experiment.

    Dr Kurien’s involvement in the dairy organization was purely accidental. He started his career as an apprentice officer in TISCO. Jamshedpur. But his situation became invidious as his uncle was the managing director and a few quick promotions not only became a source of embarrassment but also hastened his resignation. Subsequently he applied, and was selected, for a government scholarship for studying dairy engineering at Michigan State University, in the United States of America, in 1948.