32,092 all-women dairy cooperatives


During 2015-16, the Union sold 43,830 litres of packed liquid milk per day under the brand ‘Purabi’ and also launched ‘Purabi Taza’, a new product in 200 ml pouch. The Union has achieved a sales turnover of R725 million compared to R651 million in the previous year.
During the year, WAMUL received financial assistance from the Government of Assam under the World Bank-funded Assam Agricultural Competitiveness Project-Additional Funding (AACPAF) Project. The support has enabled WAMUL to formally train 120 Mobile Artificial Insemination Technicians (MAITs) for carrying out doorstep AI delivery services in Nagaon district. As on March 2016, the MAITs have performed 43,076 AI services covering around 960 villages which have resulted in the birth of 5,091 calves of which 2,801 are female. The project has also initiated veterinary and animal health camps for enhancing the productive life cycle of animals. WAMUL had also initiated ration balancing advisory services by training 10 of its MAITs as Local Resource Persons (LRPs).
During the year, greater degree of transparency was established in the village-level milk collection process by installation of 25 Data Processor-based Milk Collection Units (DPMCUs) and two Automated Milk Collection Units (AMCUs) under the funding support received from the World Bank. This has resulted in a remarkable improvement in the quality of locally procured milk.
WAMUL organised a Milk Producers’ Meet in May 2015 and celebrated Purabi Milk Day in December 2015. The function was graced by the Chief Minister, Government of Assam, and Chairman, NDDB. Progressive milk producers, including women, were felicitated during the programme.
– National Dairy Development Board, Annual Report 2015-2016