Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying launches web version of NDDB-developed e-GOPALA application & IMAP web portal


    New Delhi, August 30, 2021: Anand: Shri Parshottam Rupala, Hon’ble Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying launched the web version of NDDB-developed e-GOPALA application and IMAP web portal at NDDB, Anand on 28 August 2021 in presence of Shri Meenesh Shah, Chairman, National Dairy Development Board (NDDB).

    Shri Rupala said that NDDB-developed e-GOPALA provides real-time information to dairy farmers for better productivity of dairy animals. He conveyed that in line with Hon’ble PM’s dream of digital India, NDDB is promoting technology-driven activities for the milk producers. He further said that agriculture and allied activities play an important role in doubling income of farmers. The Hon’ble Minister stated that increasing yield of milch animals will automatically increase farmers’ income. Shri Rupala also appreciated the role of Indian Immunologicals (subsidiary of NDDB) in Covaxin manufacturing process, which is a noble service to the nation.

    Shri Shah also briefed the Hon’ble Minister about the dairy cooperative movement, achievements of NDDB-implemented National Dairy Plan Phase I, Rashtriya Gokul Mission projects, enhancing productivity of milch animals, NDDB’s manure management & Solar initiatives, integrating beekeeping with dairy cooperatives, formation of FPOs, building ICT based information network and other innovative activities of the Dairy Board. They discussed on ways to extend dairy sector’s growth and improve livelihood of milk producers. The Hon’ble Minister mentioned that NDDB’s efforts have given the much needed confidence to milk producers as they are receiving the fair share of consumer price.

    The e-GOPALA platform helps farmers manage their livestock including buying and selling of disease free germplasm in all forms (semen, embryos, etc); informs about availability of quality breeding services (Artificial Insemination, veterinary first aid, vaccination, treatment etc) and guides farmers for animal nutrition, treatment of animals using appropriate ayurvedic ethno veterinary medicine. There is a mechanism to send alert (on due date for vaccination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving etc) and inform farmers about various government schemes.

    NDDB’s IMAP web portal is meant for geographical presentation of project coverage featuring INAPH(displays state as well as district wise animal registration coverage against animal population), PSK Service (displays ticket status against various services i.e. animal registration, artificial insemination, pregnancy diagnosis, calving, vaccination, animal treatment & follow-up), NAIP(Geographically displays GOI initiated projects related to artificial insemination) and NADCP (Geographically displays GOI initiated projects related to Animal disease control). This portal will also facilitate real time checking of coverage and progress of various projects and government schemes.

    NDDB and its subsidiaries are always instrumental in making dairying a profitable business predominantly for millions of small milk producers. The Dairy Board is committed to safeguard the interest of dairy farmers by adopting a cooperative strategy.

    Corporate Comm India (CCI NewsWire)