The animals on Wisconsin farms produce a lot of milk


    The animals on Wisconsin farms produce a lot of milk and meat. They also produce a lot of manure. One cow alone creates about 54,000 pounds ( 6460 gallons ) of manure over the course of a year. Handling manure is a challenge for any dairy or livestock producer.

    In the past, daily hauling or some kind of storage pit were basically the only and obvious ways to deal with manure. We still use daily hauling and long term storage, but other options in manure handling and processing are surfacing as well. What are some of the new options available? Where have they worked? Are they applicable here? These are some of the questions that will be tackled at the 2011 Midwest Manure Summit.

    University of Wisconson-Extension will host the Midwest Manure Summit on Feb. 15 – 16, 2011. For these two days, the legendary Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin will become the meeting place of dairy and livestock producers, government agency workers, agribusiness professionals, and educators as we take a closer look at the processing and handling of manure.
