Launch of PMKVY – RPL (Dairy Farmer or Entrepreneur) Programme by IL&FS Skills in Bihar


    Bihar, May 27, 2017: IL&FS Skills, a joint initiative of IL&FS Education & National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) has launched RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) in Agriculture sector having Dairy Farmer/ Entrepreneur job role under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY), the flagship scheme of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Government of India.

    The RPL launch ceremony was organized at IL&FS Institute of Skills, Patnaat Asthawa District-Nalanda on 10 Feb 2017, under the guidance of PMKVY. The launch ceremony introduced the RPL scheme in the region and knowledge about other schemes was also shared.

    The ceremony was attended by Ladli Sinha, Mukhiya- Asthawa District- Nalanda,; Rakesh Kumar, Local Doctor Animal and Husbandry, press members, the regional IL&FS Skills team from Patna and candidates to be trained under the job role of Dairy Farming under RPL. RPL aims to align the competencies of the unregulated workforce of the country to National Skills Qualifications Framework (NSQF), which is a competency based framework that organizes all qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude. RPL is a platform to provide recognition through certification, to informal learning or learning through hands on work.

    The programme aims to impart skills training for existing workers to align the competencies of the unregulated workforce to the NSQF under PMKVY RPL scheme. RPL focuses on enhancing the career/ employability opportunities of an individual as well as provide alternative routes to greater standards of living through skill enhancement. It also envisages to provide opportunities for reducing inequalities based on certain privileged forms of knowledge over others. It is a process of assessment of an individual’s prior learning to give due importance to learning as an outcome rather than learning as a process. The Project Launch Ceremony was focused upon the RPL project launch and commencement of first batch of training.

    Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)