Dairy Asia – Domestic Stakeholders meeting…


    Anand, May 24, 2017: A domestic stakeholders meeting was today organized on  15 May 2017 at National Dairy Development Board, Anand Gujarat. The meeting was attended by various stakeholders of dairy cooperatives- about 50 Participants from all over India representing institutions such as Dairy Federations, Milk Producer Companies, academic institution, NGOs, experts from NDDB and its subsidiaries were present in the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce Dairy Asia platform to the Indian Stakeholders and encourage them to join the platform for exchange of knowledge and best practices among the 13 partner nations of South Asia who are presently member of Dairy Asia.

    Shri Dilip Rath, Chairman NDDB while inaugurating the meeting said that since the South Asian Countries have much in common, the most important being most countries have small holder production system and thus a platform such as Dairy Asia can help in fostering a regional cooperation and help each other in mitigating certain challenges such as climate change, etc..  He also said that we can find points of critical common interest such as Productivity enhancements in native breeds, Reduction in contribution of dairying in green-house gases, disease control and promote dairying in a socially inclusive and environmental sustainable manner. He further added that Dairy Asia will have great symbolic strength and give stronger voice to Asian Countries at international dairy forums.

    Presentation made during the course of the meeting highlighted activities of Dairy Asia and advocated formation of a national working group, Animal productivity, Animal Health and Animal Nutrition. Another aspect covered during the Meeting was cooperation beyond Boundaries emphasising the point that the Asian Countries particularly India will be the dairy of the world in coming years and the country’s position being uniquely placed to cater to the worlds demand in the future.

    At end of the Meeting, consensus on certain areas such as exchange of best practices, technical know-hows, promoting Indian milch animal breeds and dairy products, etc. among Asian countries emerged.

    Dairy Asia is a multi-stakeholder partnership of willing partners committed to visioning and building a sustainable dairy sector in Asia and the Pacific region. It aims to find common ground and aligning actions towards social, economic and environmental sustainability. It is based within the Asian region but reaching out to partners around the globe. It is being supported by international organizationssuch as FAO, IDF, IFCN, DSF, ILRI and APHCA.

    Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)