The lip-smacking cow and buffalo curd cups by Sid’s Farm are almost here


    Hyderabad, July 24, 2021: Dairy farming and the consequent sale of dairy products are important essential activities in the Indian economy. The continuous hectic lifestyle of today’s generation has made them rely on dairy products for food and nutrition. It includes varieties of cow and buffalo milk products. Many people prefer cow milk because of its low-fat content and its other nutritious value. On the other hand, many of them prefer buffalo milk because of its high fat, nutrients and lactose content. Keeping their eyes open, and taking into account all the factors, Sid’s farm has now come up with delicious, lip-smacking cow and buffalo curd cups, which are highly nutritious and economical. The launch of the curds will help the consumers to choose the curd prepared from the milk of their preference, thus satisfying its regular consumers and attracting new ones. 

    Kishore Indukuri, founder, Sid’s Farm, says, unlike many other curds and yogurts available in the market, with added preservatives, the curd launched by Sid’s farm reminds us of the delicious taste of homemade curd with no added preservatives, flavors, and hormones. The company believes the fact that curd is more acceptable by the customers than any other milk product. Moreover, it is easier to digest as compared to milk, thus can be consumed by people of any age group. It also helps to clean the digestive tract, leading to a healthy lifestyle. Surprisingly, the thick and creamy buffalo milk curd available in a cup of 475 grams costs Rs.80 only. The mouth-watering cow milk curd, available in the same cup of 475 grams costs Rs.70 only. That’s amazingly budget-friendly! 

    The goodness doesn’t end here as both newly launched curds are nutritious with 38 gm of protein and 5g fat content in buffalo milk curd and 4gm of fat and 35 grams of energy content in the cow milk curd respectively. 

    Sid’s Farm  tests every batch of milk extensively looking at several parameters like adulterants, antibiotics, hormones, taste, and smell before taking the milk forward in the production process of dairy products. Currently, the company does an average of 2000 tests daily on the milk to ensure its consumers receive the best quality dairy products.  Starting from the quality of the product they maintain under the guidance of supervisors to the hygienic production process, Sid’s Farm  is working with immense dedication to stand up in the market.  

    The launch of curds is expecting to expand its reach, as they focus on the best for their customers. Unlike other dairy products in the market, the company uses pure and tested raw materials for manufacturing their products, hence providing one of the best value to its customers. Therefore, it has the tagline, “We believe you deserve the best.”

    Corporate Comm India (CCI Newswire)