NDDB celebrates World Environment Day


    Anand, July 02, 2017: The World Environment Day is being celebrated this year with the theme – “Connecting People to Nature”. The United Nations “urges us to get outdoors and into nature, to appreciate its beauty and to think about how we are part of nature and how intimately we depend on it.”

    While launching the tree plantation ceremony at NDDB campus, Anand on 5 June, 2017, Shri Dilip Rath, Chairman, NDDB said that millions of farmers in our country are connected to nature and they are among the first to suffer when ecosystems are endangered. Nature’s bounties are often taken for granted, at least until they become scarce. We would be forced to deal with the forces of nature, if we are unable to act with urgency now.

    He further conveyed that climate change has significant implications for agriculture and livestock. Water and fodder assets of our country are being seriously impacted by the loss of green cover. He advised all to support activities which increase the green cover and preserve fodder resources on a sustainable basis. This will greatly contribute towards our rural prosperity.

    Shri Dhaval Patel, Managing Trustee, Vidyanagar Nature Club delivered a talk on “Trees – its benefits & impact on environment due to deforestation” at Dr V Kurien Auditorium. NDDB employees planted saplings with the hope that our future generations inherit a green legacy.

    Corporate Comm India(CCI Newswire)